Custom Design
Contact Form
Chat Buttons (WhatsApp, Telegram, Messenger)
Social Media Integration
Web Optimization
Includes 2.5 GB Hosting and 1 domain of your choice (.com, .net, .org)
Responsive Design for any device
Custom Design
Contact Form
4 Internal Pages (e.g., Home, About Us, Services, Products, Contact Us)
Chat Buttons (WhatsApp, Telegram, Messenger)
Social Media Integration
Web Optimization
Basic SEO
DDoS Protection
Technical Support and Assistance
Includes 2.5 GB Hosting and 1 domain of your choice (.com, .net, .org)
Mobile-Responsive Design
Customized Design
Contact Form
6 Internal Pages (e.g., Home, About Us, Services, Products, Contact Us)
Chat Button (Whatsapp, Telegram, Messenger)
Social Media Integration
Web Optimization
Basic SEO
Anti-DDoS Protection
Technical Support and Assistance
Includes 8 GB Hosting and 1 domain of your choice (.com .net .org)
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